Volume 8 with Saint John Record Enthusiast, Jeff McLennan


Strange Grooves was on location for Volume 8 with one of our most anticipated guests, one of Saint John’s biggest record enthusiasts, Jeff McLennan!

We were honoured to be invited to check out his personal collection, which is the most beautiful collection we have seen with our own eyes. He has over 2000 records and very stunning ways of displaying them. Jeff’s wife and son also have their own vinyl in the collection. The wide variety of tunes is astounding, and we are certain you could spend days just combing through them all.

In this episode, we chat about what Jeff has been listening to lately, the top 5 albums we would bring to a deserted island, and some of his favourite treasures and gems he has found over the past 20 years. We chat about some of our favourite artists to listen to and for what reasons, for example, Les Paiens, Miles Davis, DeerhoofThe SheepdogsPrimus and much more.


Volume 9 with Courtney from Rock 88.


Volume 7 with Wayne Long!