Strange Grooves Special: A Birthday Quickie


Welcome back, Strange Crew!

This week we bring you a short little episode as we celebrate 3 (!!) years of this strange project! Can you believe it? We certainly can’t. We are so happy to be on this ride and looking forward to the future journey of where Strange Grooves is going.

We just wanted to hop on the mic quickly and thank everyone who has helped make this all possible and reflect on what Strange Grooves has done for us personally. Seriously THANK YOU to all of you, who support us, and contribute to our shows and community; we really appreciate you all and could not be where we are or going where we are heading without your support.

Also, we wanted to remind you of the awesome show coming up in Saint John THIS WEEKEND at the Imperial Theatre. Make sure you listen back to Volume 82 for more details on that! We are thrilled to be attending Quality Block Party on Saturday and hope to see you there.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who listens to the show, comes to our events, reads and /or contributes to our blogs and to all of our other amazing show contributors, including Strange Dudes Podcast and just to all who support us. We are super grateful for you all. ⁣


Listen to full episode :


Volume 85: A Night of Acoustics for Santos!


Volume 83: High-Kicks, Arizona, High On Fire and Puffers With Shelley Brown!