Volume 19: Ladd & Lasses Album Release


Cello Lessons, Tracksuits, an upcoming album release, and more on this episode of Strange Grooves.

This morning we were joined by Ladd & Lasses and little George, and we got to catch up and chat about their album release this Friday at The Sanctuary Theatre.

Hillary and Katie gave us the lowdown and some exclusive news about the show coming up and about their favourite bands to listen to, how they got into music, how the band was formed and much more. Right now, if you buy a ticket to the show, for every ticket you buy, your name will be entered to win a T-shirt and an album.

Unfortunately, one of their members, Nienke, was unable to join us today, but be sure to get your ticket to see this incredible band this weekend!

To get your tickets, get them online, through Backstreet records, or E-Transfer.

Email: laddandlasses@gmail.com to reserve your tickets. $15 advance https://www.laddandlasses.com/she-wanders/


Listen to full episode :


Volume 20 (!!!): Pamela and “Party” Trent Wheaton


Volume 18: Chuck Healy’s Diamond of a Collection